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Building Brighter Futures

We depend on donations from you to deliver programming, pay staff, purchase materials, and above all expand the possibilities for the people in the communities we serve. Whether you choose to become a monthly donor or if you make an annual gift, your financial support goes a long way to impact hundreds of people around the world in meaningful, tangible ways. We are a registered 501c3, and all donations within the U.S. are tax-deductible.

Consider the following:

  • $25/month helps our entrepreneurial students start and run businesses

  • $50/month helps our athletes compete around the country

  • $100/month or $1200/year helps students travel abroad to study and serve

  • $400/year sends a student to SOAR into STEM aviation camp

  • $5000/year sends a student to study abroad for a semester  

  • $10000/year pays a site coordinator to bring our programs to a new site for a semester

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